Mate-Seeking Specialist


Here are a number of statements that may or may not apply to you. For each statement, select the response that best applies to you. Do not spend too long deliberating about your responses: if in doubt, choose the option that immediately seems most appropriate.

Disagree Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Moderately Agree Strongly
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 - Disagree Strongly
2 - Disagree Moderatley
3 - Disagree a Little
4 - Agree a Little
5 - Agree Moderately
6 - Agree Strongly
Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6
I live quite far away from my parents.
I don't like to see too much violence in films.
I'm a bit of a flirt.
I have quite a high sex drive.
I like being a leader.
I've not had sex with very many people.
I can be pretty confrontational when I need to be.
I'm not overly keen on meeting new people.
I have travelled to many different countries.
I'm pretty physically strong (compare to others of my same sex).
I'm not that bothered about buying branded clothes or merchandise.
I think people find me a little intimidating.
I'm quite extroverted.
I often choose to have a night in rather than go out to events I could go to.
I don't have very big muscles (compared to others of my same sex).
I'm very ambitious at work.
I've slept with quite a lot of people compared to others in my (same sex) social circle.
I'm quite comfortable doing risky things.
I’m not particularly physically fit.
I like to wear expensive clothes
I try not to spend money on things I don't need.
I spend as little time doing work as possible.
I'm not very preoccupied by sex.
I like to go out to fun events whenever I have the opportunity.
I'm quite risk averse.
I'm very competitive.
I really enjoy spending money.
I get a lot of attention from the opposite sex.
I don’t get very frightened in potentially threatening situations.
I'm not very flirtatious.
I'm not that ambitious at work.
I have not travelled abroad very often.
I struggle with confrontation.
I hate horror movies.
I have a large number of contacts at my disposal.
I don't think people find me very intimidating.
I like horror movies.
I don't spend much of my spare time doing achievement focused tasks.
I am very achievement focused.
I am a bit of a workaholic.
I'm not that interested in keeping in touch with lots of people.
I am very keen to avoid potentially dangerous situations.
I'm not particularly competitive.
I'm very physically fit.
I quite like movies that are a bit violent.
I don’t think people flirt with me that much.
I'm not that keen on being a leader.
I live quite close to my parents.