Phil Warren03-02-2016
Business & Charity
Nature's Miracle Orphans: BBC 1, Sunday 5.35
For the past 12 months my girlfriend has been bombarding me with the most delightful video clips and photos of Moyo the baby elephant. Moyo was born prematurely. He was found abandoned. An organisation called
Wild Is Life adopted Moyo.
As a result of this adoption, Zimbabwe Elephant Nuresry (ZEN) was born. ZEN is part of Wild Is Life. Wild Is Life was established 18 years ago. It was founded in order to look after injured, orphaned and endangered wildlife.
Moyo was the first elephant that Wild Is Life adopted. For quite some time Moyo was the only elephant at the sanctuary.
Since there were no other elephants, Moyo’s friends were a resident Warthog named pickles, a dog named Josephine and a sheep named Kim. It has been wonderful to watch Moyo’s antics and see the immense love Moyo’s carers have for him.
Above, you will see a painting of Moyo. This portrait has been painted by wildlife artist Leigh Banks (who also doubles up as my girlfriend in her spare time!). Leigh is selling the painting of Moyo. 25% of the proceeds will be donated to Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery.
If you would like to buy this wonderful painting of Moyo, CLICK HERE to contact Leigh.
(Dimensions 1m x 50cm)
Moyo and ZEN are being featured on BBC 1 documentary: Sunday 5.35
Moyo and ZEN are being featured on a BBC 1 documentary, Nature's Little Miracles on Sunday night. So do watch them if you would like to see Moyo and his new elephant friends.
In the meantime, here is a delightful little clip of Moyo. It also includes his friend Pickles the Warthog, Jessica the dog (together on their daily walk) and some of the other animals at Wild Is Life.
Elepahants Will Be Extinct in 20 Years
The terrifying reality is that in 20 years time we may have no elephants left. An elephant is illegally poached every 15 minutes. And there are currently less than half a million elephants alive.
The poaching is driven by the ivory trade. There is a growing middle class in China and South East Asia who consider ivory to be an investment. Ivory carvings are considered a symbol of status and success.
Raising Orphaned Elephants
Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery has been established in order to adopt and raise orphaned elephants. This is a pioneer project in Zimbabwe.
When the elephant calves have reached 4-5 years old, they will be moved to a protected wildlife area. They will then be integrated into the protected reserve.
ZEN seeks to raise awareness about elephants in Africa. It also hopes to educate young people about elephants.
Watch Baby Moyo’s Development at ZEN
We at Live Life Satisfied want to support the Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery. We’d like to encourage you to keep up to date with Moyo’s development at ZEN. Watching video updates and seeing pictures of Moyo and his antics has moved me to the core.
Sign up to the Wild Is Life Facebook page (click ‘like’) and you too can keep up to date with the wonderful work of Roxy and her team at Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery.
CLICK HERE to be taken to the Wild Is Life Facebook page.
If you would like to buy the wonderful painting of Moyo (seen above) CLICK HERE to contact Leigh.
(Dimensions 1m x 50cm)

I care so much about Moyo ... he is my family.
Paradzai Mutize, Elephant Foreman at Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery.
"Paradzai leads a team of exceptional men, who provide 'round the clock' care, respect and dignity for our little group of elephants."
Roxy, ZEN Founder.