

Here are a number of statements that may or may not apply to you. For each statement, select the response that best applies to you. Do not spend too long deliberating about your responses: if in doubt, choose the option that immediately seems most appropriate.

Disagree Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Moderately Agree Strongly
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 - Disagree Strongly
2 - Disagree Moderatley
3 - Disagree a Little
4 - Agree a Little
5 - Agree Moderately
6 - Agree Strongly
Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6
I try to find ways to encourage cooperation rather than directly confronting people.
If I disagree with someone, I'm often very happy to let the matter go rather than argue about it.
I'm happy to let others be in charge.
If something interesting comes to mind, I sometimes change topic quite abruptly during conversation.
I prefer to let others take charge.
I'm not that keen on being a leader.
You should never speak over someone, even if it's going to build on what they're saying. You should wait until they've finished talking.
When I am very knowledgeable about something, I enjoy explaining things to people.
I don't interact much when other people are talking: I wait until they have finished.
I'm happy to pull someone up about something if their behaviour annoys me.
I can be very keen to convince somebody that I'm right if I think they're wrong.
During conversation, I try to let topics develop gradually rather than change subjects abruptly.
During conversation I try not to change subjects abruptly.
I struggle letting others take charge.
I like to be the best at things I do.
I often chip in when someone is talking in order to ask clarifying questions about what they're saying, or to build on what they're saying.
I really struggle taking orders from other people.
If I have something difficult to say to someone, I just say it like it is: I don't try to soften my words particularly.
I tend not to use my spare time to do achievement focused things.
I try not to change topics during conversation.
I often don't end up confronting someone if they annoy me.
I like to be in control of things.
I'm not an overly ambitious person.
It can be a bit anti-social to be intent on winning: taking part is more important.
I often talk about controversial subjects during conversation.
I don't like being in charge.
I provide people with a lot of cues to show that I'm listening to them (for example nodding my head or making minimal responses like "oh really?").
I like to take charge of things.
I like being a leader.
I love telling people about my ideas.
During conversation I say what I think even if it will annoy someone.
During conversation, if something comes to mind that I want to say, but I don't get the opportunity to say it, I'm not too bothered.
I'm not very competitive.
Even when I'm annoyed with someone, I often let the issue go rather than confront them.
If I have something difficult to say to someone, I use a lot of softening terms like "maybe" or "possibly" to avoid being too direct.
I think it's a little rude to talk as though I know more than other people about a subject.
I don't want to sound like and "know it all".
I like it when others take charge.
I enjoy coming across as an informed authority on a subject.
During conversation I enjoy adopting the role of teacher if I know a lot about something.
I try to never chip in when someone's talking: I wait until they've finished.
I am very competitive.
I'm very keen to ensure that no one is embarrassed during a conversation.
I chip in a lot when people are talking because I see conversation as a collaborative effort.
I resent people in positions of authority.
I can be pretty confrontational when I need to be.
I struggle letting others take charge.
I dislike people in authority telling me what to do.
I like to take the role of expert or teacher during a conversation.
People should not chip in when I'm talking. They should wait until I've finished.
If I feel something needs to be said, I usually say it.
I'm a very ambitious person
I try very hard to avoid direct confrontation.
I spend quite a lot of my spare time doing achievement focused things.
I'm not that fussed about sharing new ideas with people.