

Here are a number of statements that may or may not apply to you. For each statement, select the response that best applies to you. Do not spend too long deliberating about your responses: if in doubt, choose the option that immediately seems most appropriate.

Disagree Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Moderately Agree Strongly
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 - Disagree Strongly
2 - Disagree Moderatley
3 - Disagree a Little
4 - Agree a Little
5 - Agree Moderately
6 - Agree Strongly
Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6
I seldom ever play the lottery
I think gambling is fun
I don’t usually bother entering competitions
I seldom ever bet money
It concerns me that people who gamble might get addicted
I almost never gamble
I bet money, at least sometimes
I often enter competitions
I enjoy gambling
I think gambling is generally bad
I gamble, at least occasionally
I play the lottery